If you're spending hundreds of dollars to acquire a single customer, it makes sense to keep that customer satisfied once he or she is in the door.

The first step: Reinforce your acquisition message on a regular basis via newsletters, brochures, postcards, Web content and other marketing materials.

We can help. Retention communications is a First Marketing strength. We've been developing retention strategies for telecommunications providers for eight years, and we can develop a program that works for you. We'll help you evaluate challenges and then offer cost-effective solutions that are completely custom to your marketing objectives. With First Marketing, you can count on superior writing, graphic excellence, high readership, turnkey service and a range of segmentation options, including one-to-one communication.

The emerging competitive environment across all markets reemphasizes the need to capture and retain customers. We have the experience, market knowledge and high level of customer service that will help you achieve your customer retention goals.

Target markets:

  • Cellular
  • Personal Communications Services (PCS)
  • Paging
  • Local Exchange Carriers (LEC)
  • Interexchange Carriers (IXC)
  • Competitive Access Providers (CAP)

Retail Banking
Managed Care