"Price Won't Always Be Main Marketing Focus." With so many carriers jumping on the single-rate pricing bandwagon, the playing field is leveling out, and carriers again are searching for ways to differentiate themselves from the rest of the wireless pack. They are standing back and trying to figure out how they can communicate value to customers. RCR, July 19, 1999, p. 14.

"Words That Kill." When you allow a policy to stand in the way of taking care of a customer, you risk losing that customer forever. These lines are poisonous and kill loyalty: "'That's our policy.' �That's not my department.' �You are wrong.'" If you rectify problems in the customer's favor immediately, in 95% of cases they will do business with you again. WIRELESS REVIEW, August 1, 1999, pp. 43-44.

"Location, Location, Location." Location-sensitive billing can help increase usage across several segments. According to The Strategis Group, 32% of currently wireless users would definitely or probably switch wireless providers to get a location-sensitive billing plan. WIRELESS REVIEW, August 15, 1999, pp. 28-30.

"Digital Subs Likely To Use Wireless More." This article explores the question: Who should wireless carriers be targeting as the next wave of business customers who are primed to sign up for digital? WIRELESS WEEK, August 9, 1999, p. 14. And, "Penetration Of Digital Wireless Users By Vertical Market," p. 14; "Penetration Of Digital Wireless Users By Occupation," p. 14.

"Savvy Corporate Clients Raise The Bar On SLAs." In today's managed service environment service providers often need to educate their customers on how to build a reliable service level agreement. Better customer service breeds customer loyalty. In the ongoing effort to improve customer service, carriers are opening up to integrated customer management. TELEPHONY, July 26, 1999, pp. 30,32.

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